Study & Travel


Discover the unforgettable Jewish Gator Israel Trips with Birthright Israel, to Discover the unforgettable Chabad Uf Israel Trips with Birthright Israel. Join fellow students from UF for an inspiring adventure filled with culture, history, and lasting memories.

Sinai Scholars

Sinai Scholars at Chabad UF combines the best of both worlds: learning and earning! 

The course integrates the study of classic Jewish texts, social programming, and national networking opportunities to provide a fresh and exciting context for Jewish life and learning on the university campus. Sinai Scholars invites students to engage in an open community of study and self-discovery that will help them to become passionate, informed Jewish leaders on campus and in their respective communities. Plus, you’ll receive a $350 stipend for your participation! 


JewishU at Chabad UF offers a seamless and enriching way to explore your Jewish heritage alongside your college studies. Enjoy a rewarding Jewish education experience with no homework, no fees, and no stress.

One on One Learning

Discover the unique opportunity for one-on-one learning with our dedicated Rabbis or Rebbetzins at Chabad UF. Enhance your Jewish knowledge and experience in a personalized and meaningful way. Contact one of our Rabbis Or Rebbetinz today!

Heritage Trips

Discover the adventure of a lifetime! Explore the rich Jewish heritage in incredible destinations like Poland, Dubai, Morocco, and beyond. Make your semester breaks unforgettable with exciting Jewish experiences where history comes alive!

Add Your Name to the Caring Wall

Every person who donates will be listed (anonymous is okay) on the High Holidays Caring Wall. Students will see how many wonderful people care about them and their Jewish life and learning at UF and SFC.