About Us

Chabad-Lubavitch originating in the White Russian town of Lubavitch, is a Chassidic philosophy that teaches understanding, service and recognition of G-d, the purpose of creation, and the unique vital mission of each individual, through the application of the three intellectual qualities of Chochmah (wisdom), Binah (understanding) and Daat (knowledge). The initials of these three Hebrew words form the word "Chabad".

Appropriately, the word Lubavitch in Russian means the “city of brotherly love.” The name Lubavitch conveys the essence of the responsibility and love engendered by the Chabad philosophy.

Chabad-Lubavitch is a home where everyone is welcome - regardless of affiliation, level of knowledge or observance. A welcoming environment to explore, learn and experience Judaism in a non-judgmental and inviting atmosphere.

Chabad-Lubavitch is the largest Jewish religious and social service organization in the world. More than 5,000 Chabad-Lubavitch emissary (Shluchim) families, operate 3,500 institutions, in 100 countries and territories, with activities in many more. The Chabad on Campus International network serves students and faculty at 500 campuses.

Our mission

The college years are a critical stage in development, when students exercise their independence and make many of the decisions that will help shape their lives. As a home away from home, the Center offers an opportunity for student’s of all affiliations and backgrounds, to enhance their college years and experience the richness of their Jewish heritage.

By participating in religious and social events, students meet other Jewish friends in a warm and inviting atmosphere and create friendships that will last a lifetime. Our Student Group works hard to plan semesters packed with great programs, classes and activities. Stop by the Center any time for a discussion, a cup of coffee, a smile or a hello. Your Jewish Gator Family is here to help you, whatever the need may be, that’s what we’re here for! 

The Chabad UF team

Student Leadership

Daniel Mundlak


Lexi Szafranski
Vice President
Chaim Sufrin


Kayla Herssein


Shira Bar Chaim

Social Chair

David Baret

Social Chair

Aaron Gershoyg

Programming Director

Amanda Smith

Programming Director

Alexis Ackermann

Social Media Director

Rebecca Gajzenberg

Social Media Director

Add Your Name to the Caring Wall

Every person who donates will be listed (anonymous is okay) on the High Holidays Caring Wall. Students will see how many wonderful people care about them and their Jewish life and learning at UF and SFC.