JewishU – Tefillah Pathways

In this course, you will gain a comprehensive understanding of the laws and customs surrounding Jewish prayer (tefillah) and synagogue practices. The course will explore both the halachic foundations of prayer and the Agaddic dimensions that enhance our connection to G-d. It emphasizes the importance of reverence, intention (kavanah), and understanding in prayer. The course also delves into the significance of customs like the mechitza and the various types of Kaddish recited during services. Ultimately, the goal is to equip you with the knowledge and tools to develop a meaningful and fulfilling personal prayer practice.

Monday 8 PM @Chabad

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Every person who donates will be listed (anonymous is okay) on the High Holidays Caring Wall. Students will see how many wonderful people care about them and their Jewish life and learning at UF and SFC.